Receiving your shareholder communications electronically is the best way to stay informed and will help us reduce our impact on the environment by minimising paper usage and freight. 

You can make an election on how you would like to receive certain documents including Annual Reports and documents related to our AGMs and other members’ meetings (for example, notices of meeting and proxy/voting forms) as follows: 

  • You can make a standing election to receive documents in physical or electronic form;
  • You can make a one-off request to receive a document in physical or electronic form; or
  • You can tell us if you do not want to receive a hard-copy of the Annual Report.

You will still be able to access and read our Annual Report when it is published on our website and the ASX platform.  And for any ad hoc document requests

To tell us your preference, please visit MUFG Corporate Markets Investor Centre and follow the prompts.

Updating your Information


Visit the MUFG Corporate Markets’ website to update your information immediately and securely. 

  1. Login to Link’s Investor Centre at and click on ‘Investor Login’ 
  2. Enter your email address and password in Portfolio Login.
  3. If you do not have a Portfolio login, please setup a portfolio by selecting ‘Register Now’ and follow the prompts

You will need your HIN/SRN. This important information is on your holding statement. Always ensure to keep this information in a safe place 

Shareholder Forms

Visit the Link Market Services’ website to access a wide variety of holding information, change your personal details and download forms. You can:

  • check your current and previous holding balances
  • elect to receive financial reports electronically
  • update your address details  
  • update your bank details
  • confirm whether you have lodged your Tax File Number (TFN)
  • confirm whether you have lodged your Australian Business Number (ABN) or exemption
  • aggregate multiple holdings
  • check transaction and dividend history
  • download a variety of instruction forms 

You will need your HIN/SRN. This important information is on your holding statement. Always ensure to keep this information in a safe place

To access this information please visit MUFG Corporate Markets Investor Centre and follow the prompts.