We don’t have all the answers yet and that’s okay. Our track record is strong, and we're on a solid path forward. We’re focused on building the future of our customers, of our suppliers, our partners and importantly the communities we’re part of with our goals and commitments.
Orora is targeting 60% recycled content* for glass beverage containers by 2025.
* pre and post-consumer
Orora is committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 for Scope 1 & 2. Orora is committed to achieving an interim goal of 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2035 for Scope 1 & 2 from FY19.
Our well defined plan to achieve this goal includes:
We're focused on initiatives that benefit our teams and our communities through:
Global DEI&B Goals
We also continue to reduce the environmental impact of our operations by working towards our Eco Targets. Orora launched a new set of five-year Eco Targets in 2020 to run until 2024.
Tonnes CO2e/tonnes of product
Tonnes CO2e/floor space square metres
Tonnes CO2e/tonnes of product
Tonnes CO2e/floor space square metres
Tonnes CO2e/tonnes of product
Tonnes CO2e/floor space square metres
The Eco Targets* are designed to address Orora’s obligations under the United Nation’s Global Compact (UNGC) to support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges, undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility and encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly technologies.
Our Eco Targets aim to address Orora’s main environmental impacts by reducing CO2e (greenhouse gas emissions), water use and waste to landfill. We aim to achieve a 5% reduction on a ratio basis across each of these important areas.
*Eco Targets are measured as ratios against production related metrics, an approach that is aligned to meet stakeholders’ evolving expectations for how companies report on environmental performance. It also ensures that our metrics are focused on the specific attributes and reflect the primary activity of each of our businesses, giving them greater scope for effective management. These metrics are divided into production of packaging, measured against tonnes produced, and distribution of packaging, which adheres to floor space square metres.